Full Game Guide
This guide contains spoilers for the whole game.

Cheat codes:
- "Part3" will bring you to the end of Demo 2.0, right after the Valentine's Day Date with base affection points for Part 3.
- "GoodEnd" will bring you to the start of the good end, with all three possible good ends unlocked.
- "TrueEnd" will bring you to the start of the true end.
There are 3 bad ends for each love interest (Leon and Vincent). If you reach any of these endings, it starts the time loop portion of the game where you wake up on February 2nd again. All affection points for Leon and Vincent are reset during the start of each loop. Suspicion points are carried through the time loop.
To survive the time loop (called Part 3), you need your affection points for both Leon and Vincent to be equal. This guide does not specifically tell you how to get there (as there are many possibilities), but just which choices give affection points for either love interest, and which choices raise your suspicion.
If Leon affection points > Vincent affection points = Vincent Bad End 2; vice versa for Leon Bad End 2
For Part 3, there are 4 endings: 3 good ends, and 1 true end. The 3 good ends are: Leon, Vincent, and MC. The good end can only be achieved in a playthrough where you never die and your suspicion is kept lower than two points. Getting over 4 affection points for the desired love interest during Part 3 will unlock the good end for that love interest.
Guide (Part 1 & 2):
EXTRA: During the loop, there is an option for whether you wish to jump to relevant choices. This mainly exists for QOL/ease of player. During your first loop, there will be extra dialogue that will be skipped if you choose to jump to relevant choices. There is additional dialogue if your brother died during the playthrough. Otherwise, there is no new dialogue from the second loop onwards.
- What will happen if I try to select them...?
- Can select any choice
- [LOOP ONLY] I watch the two of them chat and consider asking them.
- Ask what they would do in a time loop. ->+1 Suspicion
- How should I answer?
- Can select any choice
- I look around the room. That's when I notice the first stall is shut.
- Ask if they're alright -> gives a CG
- Leave
- Timed choices, doesn't matter
- Actually no point in wondering, I need to pick an answer! [LOOP VERSION: Oh, right. That happens sometimes.]
- I'm not sure -> +1 Vincent
- Please don't kill him -> +1 Leon
- [LOOP ONLY] What should I do?
- Leave with him ->Vincent Bad End 1
- ...Of course. Right on cue.
- Cheer for Leon -> +1 Leon
- Oh, come on! I'm in the middle of a run here! [LOOP skips this choice]
- Can select any choice
- So you remember our first conversation?
- Can select any choice, but contains dialogue differences in Part 3. Please note that upon dying at any time, this defaults to the MC not remembering the conversation.
- ...Can I kiss you?
- Yes [LOOP VERSION: Only if you tell me about our first meeting.] -> +1 Vincent
- There’s no statements about killing anyone this time. I should probably just answer truthfully.
- Yes -> +1 Vincent
- No -> +1 Leon
- Why.
- Ask him. ->+1 Suspicion
- These choices are stupid!
- Can select either choice
- Well, at least it’s better than school lunch.
- Can select either choice
- Do I really want Reme's attention, too? [LOOP VERSION: What?!]
- Ask for Reme's help [LOOP VERSION: Let Reme come along.] -> +1 Vincent
- Leave with Vincent -> Vincent Bad End 1
- I can’t let anyone else leave me now. You’re the only one who was kind enough to talk to me so you’re the only one I can trust.
- That doesn't make any sense!
- ... -> gives Bad End CG
- I can’t let anyone else leave me now. You’re the only one who was kind enough to talk to me so you’re the only one I can trust.
- What the hell are these choice labels?!
- Can select either choice
- Even if he’s made of code and I can’t even make out his features, he doesn’t deserve to die…!! [LOOP skips this choice]
- Can select either choice
- Neither choice really echoes my true thoughts.
- Can select either choice
- …
- I’m sure they’ll come home soon. -> +1 Suspicion
- Is this… some kind of trick? [LOOP skips this choice]
- Can select either choice
- Why is this… a choice…? [LOOP skips this choice]
- Wasn't that what you were working on? -> extra cutin image
- [Loop Texting menu]
- Text Leon -> will skip the loop
- Think, think, what should I do now?
- Can select either choice
- This choice is based on if you chose to text Leon
- If texted Leon: What the hell is he doing here? Is he just watching me right now??
- Can select either choice
- No selection in 20s ->Leon Bad End 1
- Tell him not to shoot -> gives Bad End CG
- If did not text Leon: What the hell?? What’s with that first choice??!
- Punch him -> continues story
- No selection in 15s or the nonsense choice -> Leon Bad End 1
- Tell him not to shoot -> gives Bad End CG
- If texted Leon: What the hell is he doing here? Is he just watching me right now??
- My brother, right…
- Ask what he means by "normal." -> +1 Suspicion
Guide (Part 3):
This starts Part 3 of the game. Affection points are reset for the final portion of the game.
- Hold on, the game is talking back to me?? [LOOP VERSION: Again? Tsk.]
- There is only one option.
- Fuck, really?!
- This is a timed choice, but selecting any choice or waiting the timer out yields the same results.
- [LOOP ONLY] I let out a sigh and weigh my options.
- Ask them out first. -> Skips 2/12 events
- Try to avoid them. -> Continues 2/12 events
- So can you come?
- No, I have a date with Leon. -> +1 Leon
- No, I have a date with Vincent.-> +1 Vincent
- Huh? Did I miss a social cue somewhere? Why do I have to pick…?
- Ask her to stay. [If selected Vincent in previous choice -> +1 Suspicion]
- I do want to tell him, it’d take a load off my shoulders. But, is it really alright to involve him?
- Tell him what's bothering you. -> Are you sure
- Yes
- Leon -> Leon Bad End 3
- Vincent -> Vincent Bad End 3
- Yes
- Tell him what's bothering you. -> Are you sure
Note: During either Bad End 3, if you choose to enter your brother's room -> +1 Suspicion
- Does sincerity even matter right now?
- Can select either choice
- But honestly, would you prefer a life of loneliness or a life of chaos?
- Can select either choice
- What the hell?! What am I supposed to do here??
- Tell him he can’t kill people. -> +1 Leon
- He looks at the ground horrified and taking breaths as he avoids the eyes of everyone around us.
- Reassure him. -> +1 Leon
- Vincent?
- Go check on him. -> +1 Vincent
- I see a flash of pink again, this time on the other side of Vincent–
- Pull Vincent away. -> +1 Vincent
- What do you want to do? *This is for both Leon and Vincent's versions
- Save message. -> +1 Leon/Vincent, depending on which menu you're viewing. This answer also affects future dialogue.
- Hmm… Why do I bother questioning anything anymore.
- Look for one in your Brother’s room. -> +1 Suspicion
- Dammit. Enough with the heartstrings-pulling.
- He should take the medicine. -> +1 Leon
- But, I was wondering… if… when I get better, will you be friends with me again? Like, start over?
- Sure we can. -> +1 Vincent
- Their voices are muffled, and if I relied on my ears, I certainly wouldn’t have heard them!
- Stay outside. -> +1 Suspicion
- Please eat with me?
- Eat with him. -> +1 Leon
- You can pick the place to eat. I just want to spend some time with you.
- Eat with him. -> +1 Vincent
- But come to think of it, maybe I can get some answers out of Reme. She’s smart, she’s scary, she’s not unwilling to do illegal things…
- Ask her for answers. -> +1 Suspicion
- What do you want to do?
- Play a game. -> +1 Suspicion
If you achieve the good end (no deaths), note that you can only obtain one end at a time. It is recommended to save at this choice:
- I pull out my phone to check what I have to do…
- Doctor’s appointment. -> Leon good end
- Stop by the office. -> Vincent good end
- Visit the Newbie. -> MC end
If you achieve the true end, there is one final choice. Both options lead to the same end, but you'll see different variations of the CG.
SIDE B is a kinetic novel with no choices.
Get Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel... HELP!!
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel... HELP!!
Escape from your suitors!
Status | Released |
Authors | pumpkin spike, Smoke Mirror Studios |
Genre | Visual Novel, Interactive Fiction |
Tags | Boys' Love, Comedy, Gay, Horror, LGBT, Male protagonist, Ren'Py, Yaoi |
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I have a question, What are the suspicious points for?
Functionally, keeping it low will bring you to the Good Ends. Otherwise you end up on the True End.
Narratively, if you avoid rousing your brother's suspicion, you survive being murdered by him in the end.
Thak you for the explication, I just finished playin it and It was really good.
i wanna take a leon route tbh ;P
Hi, sorry to ask this but I am very stuck on part 1/2 and have no clue how to get past it. According to the guide and based on what I've of done and the CG's I've unlocked, I should have completed everything in that section. I've tried balancing out points, and unless I'm messing up with that its not doing anything. Now, there's also the possibility that I'm over looking something and not realizing it, but idk. I just really wanna get past it... do you have any advice pls?
did you ever figure it out? i can't lol
I did, just be sure to no win suspicius and i pass with 1 point more in vincent but then the next point u can win is with leon at the 3 part, so its all good
Why do I get points with Leon for telling him he should take the medicine? This stopped me from finishing his route, i couldn't get his final without the guide. I mean, that's his choice, if he's afraid of forgetting and MC also knows medicine can't help you (by his own experience) why I got points ;;;;o
That is a fear everyone has if trying that type of medications for the first time. I just finished the game and it's full of holes, I shouldn't even have talked about this dialogue, because now it's one of the smallest problems here heelp
I think I ran into a glitch? Unless its supposed to be part of the game because wow u got me on a rollercoaster with this lol. (Spoilers for anyone reading!)
I think I'm on the true ending and when trying to read past the Brother laughing at MC from across the table something pops up. Its a completely grey screen with writing, the biggest saying "An exception has occurred" along with something about the game code. I'm not sure how to fix it if possible
Could you send me a screenshot of the error, and also the line before the error occurs?
I'm not sure how to send it to you directly but I can put it here if you want?
Yes, that's perfectly fine!
Great, here you go!
Thank you for the report, Ver. 3.1 has been uploaded and should fix this issue!