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it's good but the noises/voices for the characters were getting annoying.

2.0 Yay!!

Love playing it!

Didn't notice the next vers. Hurah

(1 edit) (+1)

I loved the demo and how well the characters were written! Though my favorites definitely are the lil bro and Leon!

I absolutely cannot wait for the full game, I hope it comes out soon! Is there any specific year ( month or day) the full game's gonna come out? If so then I'll 100% make sure to play it! The whole game really got me interested!

Question ahead!! (spoilers)

Does the lil bro have any special dialogue if you get to the survival ending with 0 deaths? If so then I will totally try it out! :D

Oh! And will there be any good endings for Leon or Vicent ?

There's only a couple lines difference, there might be more differences in the full game ;)

I have some plans for good ends, but nothing is set in stone

I cannot wait for more updates. I love how Leon and Vincent act. Yanderes are truly amazing to see in videogames.

(2 edits)

Realized I haven't commented my thoughts on the game yet, so here goes! 

I really loved the demo! I'm a sucker for the 'character is isekaied into a romance-game' trope, and this game didn't disappoint! There was a good amount of comedy, horror and romance and I'm really excited to see more! Vincent is definitely my favorite, I don't think I've ever seen a yandere like him and I find him very interesting!

Also, it was so funny to see how the MC freaked out at certain points and how he couldn't figure out what his and his brother's names are xD The fact that he can actually see the visual novel UI is freaking hilarious as well, I love it.

Looking forward to the full release!

Mini Spoiler

One of my favorite scenes is definitely when he comforts Vincent without knowing it was him LMAO


i mean if i saw the novel ui id also freak out

Hii, loved the new demo! I was playing the Demo 2.0, but while I was in the cafeteria part where Vincent has his breakdown I wanted to read the history because I skipped a dialogue and the png of Leon was still in, even in the settings part. Pic to show it. I think it might be a mistake or a bug. Hope to help! <3

Yes, that is a known issue I hope to fix in a coming update ^^; I'm sorry if it's distracting, but I'm researching a better way to do it!


One does not simply ditch Leon for the log... Leon will find you.


Love this game especially Vincent!

But i do wish the choices we are making are like how can i describe it "logical" as in that the choices we make actually feels like we develop a relationship with whatever person and not just kinda click on a choice that gives a different route. Sometimes it doesn't even make sense for me where exactly it's going when i pick X choice.

But regardless of that i still enjoy the game and if i didn't explain it good then tell me and i can make some examples ^^

I've only unlocked 1 ending so far but I am so excited to continue playing AND I am very, very intrigued as to who is behind the scenes pulling the strings and toying with the MC! Thank you for your hard work!

so good omg- the story, the designs, the characters *chefs kiss*, my only minor critique is that in the cgi's, the art style and characters features doesn't really stay consistent. but this is so good ughh-

WHYYY, THIS IS SO GOOOOD can't wait for the full game!

AAAA!! I absolutely love the demo so far,I'd love to play the full game!! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

super excited for the full game! But could do with a setting to wipe your progress, I'm really curious about what a certain character says when you go down a certain route with 0 deaths. I'm guessing that wiping the save folder in the files will do it?


Yes, that will definitely be a feature to be included in the full game and any updates I do in between. 

Unfortunately, wiping the save folder likely won't do it. I'm not sure if reinstall might work. I'll definitely update with the ability for the player to reset easily soon.


On windows, you can wipe all your progress by deleting the save folder and then deleting the RoundedGUI-1623906174 folder, backup both folders first so you can restore your progress later.  You can find RoundedGUI-1623906174 by searching %appdata%, then going to the RenPy folder.

(1 edit)

Hi~! I attempted to download the second part of the demo but for some reason an error occurs and it says: "Cannot read property build of undefined"

I'm not very technologically capable so I was wondering if you had any idea on why it would do that/how to fix it? Thank you!

edit: I uninstalled the initial demo and downloaded the 2.0 and I think that worked *thumbs up*

I'm glad it worked out! 

Thanks for letting me know, I'll make a note of it in the game page.

I just finished the demo, and oh my goddess, i NEED to play the full version now! I'll be waiting! <3 


Playing this demo and I have to say the quality is AMAZING
I WILL be playing the full version! Keep it up <3


bro idk why i like mah "Brother"


Wow! I didn't know what to expect, but that was so fun! The MC's constant shrieking made me laugh! Is there a release date at all? :)




aaaaaaaaaaah how come you all did such a good game, i really need to play it all! MC is super relatable, although I doubted us when it was auto decided to talk to vincent after all, but the result is so interesting and hilarious! Loved the confrontation-flirting scene, and it made me wonder that perhaps there's more to this world we transmigrated into than just sticking to leon to avoid being maimed or worse hahahashhadhasda

hope to see the full game soon, thanks for creating!


I REALLY like the writing in this. You've got a good way with words and characterisation. Big respect.

Constructive Crit: Pleeeease don't make meta horror a feature of every route. By which I mean, "oh my god, we're all characters in a video game!" or "you're not my real brother/best friend/main character!" Doing that in one route could be cool, but that sort of 'meta' element, where the characters are distressed that they're in a video game, has been surprisingly common in yandere games already. John Doe did it. Parts of Your Boyfriend even hinted at it afaik.

So yeah, great start. Would love to explore each route (except for the sadistic science girl. maybe she uses her tech knowledge to overcome the meta horror of being trapped in a video game. who knows. I'm just spit-balling.)

Big props! Would buy! (Especially if the final version is NSFW ;)

I absolutely loved this demo!! It's so intriguing and I have so many theories about how this will all end. XD Like, what if Vincent and Leon join forces to save the protagonist from Reme?? The possibilities are endless and I'm super excited to play the rest of this once it comes out! I know I'll be happy with whatever you produce no matter what, so thank you for all your hard work so far!

I really liked the game and its concept I got really immersed in it and was really sad when I finished the demo. I would love to play it when the full game comes out but will it still be free then? I understand if it won't be


The full game will be free! ^^

(1 edit)

i cant wait for the full gameee, it was interesting! the mc is pretty funny too ehehe. we even got sandwiched between Vicent and Leon lol


The demo was so fun! Looks so promising - can't wait for demo 2.0 and the full game but no rush at all! 

God, i absolutely loved this!! I'm so ready for the full game!!❤️❤️

such a cute game, I can't wait to see the finished product! <3

love the MC, jajaja good luck pal xD 

Didn't expect to like this so much but it's really fun and an interesting take on the whole yandere concept! excited to see what's to come

really like the writing & character designs so far!! can't wait for the full game!


A very beautiful demo, with amazing sound design and a strong story to back it up. And beneath the beauty an unnervingly brutal horror story waiting to be explored. I'm really looking forward to this games full release. I have high hopes that it will be absolutely amazing :) 

(1 edit) (+1)

oh my god I would give up my actual soul and maybe my living, beating heart to be able to play the full version right now, haha. Been on a yandere dating sim kick and this feels like a callout on me lol. And the writing is so good!! That's where a lot of dating sims in all genres fall short, and comedy can especially fall flat, but this knocks it out of the park. Can't wait to play the full thing when it's ready!

ps I really appreciate how you went all-in on the lovecore aesthetic. It felt like someone had a lot of fun with the designs! And really lends itself well to the game's atmosphere

I've played this months ago, just forgot to make an account- I'm really looking forward to the Full game!

this game is great so far looking forward to the full thing 

will we ever get a soundtrack for the game bc the ost is SO GOOD +w+ there was only like 3 songs in the demo and theyre all catch i wanna listen to them more lol TToTT

Hello! If you click on the arrow under the list of team members, you can find all the songs on youtube!

OOO TYY! ^_^ i didn't even know u could click on the arrow ty so muchhh!!


harem ending harem ending!!!! (please?)

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