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I just finish the game and It was sooo good


Not so proud to say i finished it 100% in a day bro 💔


Oh, and I forgot to say: This IS a good game.

I just want to bash in the brain of the MC. Just a little. With a crowbar. Repeatedly.

Sadly that is not uncommon when I play romance games. *sigh*

Hahaha, I'm glad you still found enjoyment. My son's a little frustrating 😂

The game guide is a bit difficult to understand, but maybe you know the answer to this...

MUST you cater to anyone else if you want to reach the happy ending with Vincent?

Not that I know what this game considered happy and unhappy. (I've seen so-called 'bad endings' I consider very happy endings. And so-called 'happy endings' that are miserable in my book.)

But everything I've tried so far just gets me chained up, EVEN if I try to get the impossible MC to stay with him and choose him at every turn. 

(Which, if it had been possible, should have made him relax enough to not kidnap you, by all logic. You don't leash a dog that comes whenever you call for it after all. Cuz you want it to be happy if you love it.)

Unfortunately, to get through Parts 1 & 2 of the game, you have to cater to both of them. You have to balance their affections for you to get out of the loop to arrive at Part 3 of the game where you can reach a happy ending with Vincent. 

Ugh. That's a pain.

My mind is not created to focus on more than one person at the time... >_>
I very much have a tunnel-vision when it comes to love.

You could use the cheat codes to jump to Part 3 or later, if you'd like to get to the endings easier.


Do choices matter in this game?
So far choosing to believe it's a dream still makes him think he's transmigrated to someone's body.

...which is one of only two choices that I found.

Aww... Why can't you go with Vincent to a bar? xD
I mean... my half-sister went to a nightclub when she was 13! It's not that hard!
(Okay, so she climbed in the window, and got older guys to buy her the drinks...which was not uncommon in that nightclub... but I'm sure Vincent knows the bartender or something. Or he wouldn't suggest it. lol)

To bad your primary love interest is the annoying best friend type.
(I mean, you nailed the cliche, absolutely. I just don't like him. Or jocks. lol)

(Not that the game have any hot emo/rock/punk guys in it. Sadly. But I realize those are not as cliche as the types in this game, and cliche is the whole point of the game.)

....this game is not gonna end well for me... *sigh*

But I have to say: This is the first game I've played where the MC's inability to understand (or do) the whole love-at-first-sight thing ACTUALLY makes sense.

(I'll admit I usually have more in common with the yandere than the MC, but shush. xD)


Do people usually have such a big mis-match between the games they love and real life wishes? oO

I'll admit that I am not a fan of the horror endings personally, even if I like the darker type yanderes. But I can't see myself choose any differently in real life than I would in a game.
(At least on the first play trough. And, as I said: I prefer happy endings.
Well, -my- version of it. Which occasionally...or often...end up with a lot of people dead, but that's okay, I didn't much care for those people anyway. ^_^ )

Of course, one have to play a game before one can see how it ends I suppose. So maybe the MC's predicament DO make sense. 🤔

It still annoys me that the MC is so wishy-washy with Vince tho.
Even if I kinda get it, considering that he has preconceived notions.
But he has more control than you would in a game, and why would anyone want to lock you up if they can have you when you're free?
I've never understood that game concept.
(It makes sense if you reject them, but not if you accept them.)

Why would the MC want to kiss Leon? Like...ever?
If you never make any form of choice to like him.

Kudos on the yandere logic at the very least.
I just wish I had more options to NOT reject Vince.
But I understand why the MC does it, I guess....

Interesting twist on what happens when you die tho.
....if only the MC would stop being so stubborn.
Although Vince WAS a bit irrational in the second round.
You DID give in to him, so why should he worry at that point?

The infinity-loop is a nice touch.
But it'd be even nicer if the MC actually LEARNED from his mistakes.
I mean... he know WHY Vince does what he does in the end.
He'd be able to act more reassuring to avoid it, if he stopped pushing him away.

(Of course, personally I'd use my knowledge of what he truly wants to manipulate him. By pointing out that he won't get anything 'real' if he keeps it locked up. If you love someone set them free and if it's real they'll come back kinda thing. I like Vince, but the MC is an idiot.)

And why on EARTH would I bother to save someone else from dying? /facepalm.

....and instead of being grateful in a later scene, he actually tells the guy who's saving him to stop killing people... Idiot! >_<

I hate the MC. So, SO much.... >_>

IS there a happy ending with Vincent?
Does this game have a walktrough?

It's a really complex game with many pathways.
I think I'll need a map like in Particles of Reality to figure it all out. lol

I give up.... 

I'll never find a happy ending with Vincent.... 😭

i have only played one route of the demo but i cant wait to play the full version so i can hear the MC's scream SFX bc it scratches and itch in my brain <3

dude… i played the demo and became obsessed with vincent. Then i played the full version and became obsessed with leon! And that true ending legit gave me chills, i never expected it to go that way. The characters feel realistic!!! And the game itself is so well put together!! Props to everyone who worked on this game. Its really a masterpiece! 


I LOVE THIS GAME!! I've been playing it for literally hours, and I WISH there was a bigger fandom for this!!! I hope the community grows for this game! ^_^


i absolutely LOVE this game! ive been playing since the first demo release, and i absolutely love it!

Shizuku pfp! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) 

(sorry, random I know!)


hehe  i love shizuku!!

nick willther like this game


THIS WAS SO GOOD i literally spent all day trying to get all endings (i eventually gave up after like 3 hours and searched up a guide HAHAH) BUT THIS IS SO GOOD i loved the stories and the characters HHHH just saying i loved the true ending hello i did NOT expect that i was flabbergasted

spent a whole six hours on this game, ended with all endings but three. it's very good and I love the story!


Need try getting more of the endings but ohmygod this game was such a ride, I love it to bits! 


Lovecore has always been one of my favorite aesthetics, and I've always felt drawn to games about the yandere troupe. Seeing this game appear on my feed just felt so right to me. One of my primary goals going in was to take notes on Visual Novels and how they worked to tell a story because I've begun working on one of my own.

I went into the game knowing almost nothing, only having read a few reviews. I definitely consider this a hidden gem. I think the story was phenomenal, even though I was practically screaming at the MC during some points. It was a fun experience that perfectly balances humor, romance, and horror. 

Each of the characters shone brightly in their own way, and I really enjoyed their personalities and getting to know them. One review in particular about said commenters beef with Vincent stuck with me, and I felt like I was side eyeing him the whole game in some sort of friendly rivalry which I found fun. Leon was fun as well, as I've always found the childhood friends troupe to be so fun. I was constantly switching between the two on which one I actually favored.

"Brothers" storyline was heartbreaking, and I actually found myself more involved in the story and wanting to learn more. The MC was so silly and fun while also balancing the stress of his situation on top. Reme was fun as well, but I felt myself feeling bad for her at times. (There's not much I can say about the two without delving into spoilers)

Another thing I really liked was how the love interests were at least 18, because I'm going to be so honest, I always get whiplash when dating sims make said love interests minors?? It felt refreshing and like I could actually enjoy the story without giving the biggest side-eye of the century every time something suggestive happened.

I once again want to delve into the aesthetic and art of the game, because I heavily enjoyed it. the use of romantic colors and different sub-aesthetics were so fun with Vincents design being my favorite.

Overall, I really liked this game, and I cannot express how glad I am to have found it! <3



ITS HEREEEE!!!! but im late :(


I hope you enjoy it!! 😂😂 Your comment made me laugh so much haha~

hehe I did! And I'm shocked, stunned, horrified, astonished, dumbstruck, amazed, and in awe. :)


I played the demo a long time age and was so excited when I came across the full game, the story was amazing and the art was lovely but a little bit inconsistent but aside from that it was a really great game that was worth my time.


holy crap, i did not expect the true ending at ALL. this game kept me on my toes constantly, i didnt expect to get so hooked on the storyline.
Also the little brother was always my favorite, but now that i finished the game i think i like his character even MORE. all the designs were so cute and i had such a fun time playing this game! (i literally made an account just to comment this) keep up the good work!

(3 edits) (+1)

I finished the full version month ago, and I noticed that the background changed from the demo. I didn't expect the MC to be like that in real life because he was seen as a goofy guy, lol. But the moment he said, "my therapist told me..." and the fact that he also took medicine prescribed by a doctor after Valentine's Day—it was pointing to something, though I didn't fully realize it, just a gut feeling until we saw his ending. I was right! 

I feel bad for the little brother—I wish he could have fulfilled his wish. I'm actually curious about the past while playing the entire game, like why he stayed with problematic Leon and about Vincent's playmate. I just read about the initial plot and now that tells why he stayed and how he appeared. It makes sense and big bro is really smart about his moves even as a child like what you'll see in those prodigy child in series haha. (Most in chinese lol) 

I really enjoyed it, and I'm hoping to see more of the backstory since it ended with a "to be continue?." The art really grew on me—it's cute and well-drawn, with adorable sprites and CGs. I also liked the UI, and the sketch background is hilarious, lmao. I thought it was him (IRL) we saw in glimpses, but it wasn't. I felt bad during Side B, but the outcome was better in the end; at least we got to see his smile and worry-free.

The voice lines were okay, too, even if limited to screams. Although I could only hear Leon’s voice less than a handful of times and Vincent’s line, "I won't allow it," I wish we could have added a bit more, but it's alright.

As someone who enjoys yandere fiction, the VN plot was really good. I like that MC can break 4th wall a bit, his reaction is hilarious as fudge. I'm also curious about Morie~ I actually wish there was more screening of Reme though. 

P.s. I did have some problems with a sprite and one picture during gameplay. It split the image of Uncle's sprite everytime he appeared and Side B. I attached example below. 

Oh, that is strange... I'll look into this. Though I've never seen it happen during testing so I might not be able to recreate it. 


Great visual novel, even if I personally disliked the true ending. You're a pretty dang good writer!

(1 edit) (+2)

Whats up chex (6) Kind of late but congrats for the release! I can finally play after the long long wait ♡

I'm yet to get the true ending (good god why the fuck you wrote so much and the lore crumbles are so tiny!!! I need to KNOW THINGS) But I'll get there! I love Leon! MC kept making me facepalm many times because he's a massive comical dumbass content. But so is everyone (and this statement is being said in affectionate way. Great comedy)

Saw you mentioned about DDLC being the inspo, but I like how it can definitely stand as its own solid thing. Bro fucking cooked with this one.

Hey usa!! 

Thank you so much for playing, I'm glad you've enjoyed it c:

I love the game so much, The dialogue had me laughing. The interface was nice and clean, the audio also gave me a chuckle. Also the lovecore...I love itt. The different routes were fun to go through, and I enjoy the fact it isn't completely like your average visual novel. My favorite character has to be the brother and Leon!


Fuck do you mean by "Good Ending". I feel like the MC's "Good ending" was pretty damn bad

It's a good game! but how do we get the good endings? i keep getting the true ending and side B TwT

Have you checked the Full Game Guide?

i wonder how tot get all endings ong   T-T first playthrough got a vincent bad ending

Have you checked the Full Game Guide?

(1 edit)

(Spoilers?not rly?) just my review

SO I FINISHED THE GAME- At first I wasn't expecting much, tbh I didn't even read the desc at all and downloaded it immediately bcs I was collecting games for my free time. But I got interested in the characters pretty quick (esp Leon ily bb :D) BUT Holy shit I wasn't expecting the twist. I got all the bad endings and unfortunately no good ending before getting the true and side bonus (HOW DO I EVEN GET GOOD ENDINGS PLS) . Also I'm a bit curious about Moria? In one of the dialogues she comes into the MC's room and asks like this ominous question but it was never addressed. Or is it just her having a gut feeling? Whatever it is, I enjoyed the gameplay.

The play to get a new ending was a bit repetitive and to tell you the truth I almost fell asleep going through the loop, but the sense of accomplishment I get when a new scene appears is SOOO rewarding lol. I eventually had to give up trying to find good endings cuz it was 3AM and ended up loading a save to reach the true ending instead. Which... I didn't even know there was a true ending, I just wanted a new ending by choosing another option XD. Overall, I like how some of the backstories were left to the reader's interpretation because I had sooo many theories for each mystery.

The story is interesting, but I just hoped there was more elaboration on MC's life and problems in the true ending. Not much to say I'm not a critique and I rarely play VNs, so. OVERALL the game could use a liiiittle polishing on the voice effects, but other than that, it was enjoyable for me. :3


No spoilers!!! just a long overall review

So. I have to say that the game is really nice?? For me at least, I picked it up on a whim. I'm a bored student on summer break and none of the vns looked appealing to me. The way this game was advertised seemed funny and like it wouldn't take too long so it could be something to occupy my time with and ooh boy was I far off the mark. 

So off the bat, this is a long game in terms of vns. I think I played it for about seven ish hours?? And that was with the included use of me taking a few breaks and skipping through major parts of dialogue and fast-forwarding to the "important" choices as the game called them. (Funnily enough I didn't even fully complete the game, I got 3 bad ends and the true end and just... called it a day night)

I will say it was repetitive to get different endings though (obviously). And getting to the true ending was just me hoping and praying that I wouldn't die while I chose my options, at no point did I really feel like I was out of the woods, even while I was IN the true ending I didn't realize and kept freaking out at every option. This is not a bad thing though!! In fact it made the game fun and enjoyable and also a little immersive. 

I won't say that I took the game 100% serious my first run through (hence why I died) but it was difficult to get to the true end and seeing as I didnt get any good ends, I will say that there is a bit of difficulty to the game, which was actually nice since it is still a yandere based vn. p.s I know fully well that there is a walk-through, I just didn't want to use it.

Story wise: 

The game has a pretty decent set-up. You obviously play as a character who was just transported out of their life into a game character's life, so a lot of the story can easily be chalked down to "yeah me too mc, me too" and its a little comedic to think about you being the only sentient person who's actively fighting to survive while everyone else (especially in a school setting) is just overall ignoring these two major red flags courting you for like 90% of the game. 

True to it being a yandere based vn, you die, a lot. But the story is well written and despite vincent being the bane of my existence for killing me so often despite how nice I was to him, the plot for this game is great. Sure there's some confusing bits but its still has a really good plot that keeps you the right amount of interested and entertained. The game has comedic aspects which make it nice, but there are also moments where it gets tense which is honestly really cool and shows just how good the writing for this was. (I'm just glad quick time events weren't used, I would've actually died more often than I did.)

There is a true end at the end of the game, and though I think it was a clever little thing (I really love when isekai type scenarios actually send the mcs back to the world theyve been dying [figuratively and literally in this case] to go back to), I can't say that I'm personally a fan of the way the true end worked. It felt.. off? Like the mc finally got back to the real world and just... accepted it? I'm glad that we got some insight into the mc's actual life but the fact is that I felt like it was a little short? I mean I spent hours dying and replaying the game to get a true end, it would've been a little nice to have a clearer understanding of what was presented, getting an in depth backstory isn't necessary but we knew literally nothing about the mc throughout the whole game despite the very few and minor snippets that we got, I just think it would've been more satisfying to have those small snippets properly and fully explained, especially considering the ending, yk? 

Character wise: 

I think its nice that the character we play as often voices these thoughts that a real person would have but I also found it a little annoying when the character contradicted themselves. Like don't get me wrong, I am allll for a character having their own personality, but when they contradict themselves as often as this one did its a little annoying? Like yes we can count one or two times being the game pushing us in a certain direction, or the character genuinely responding how they would if they weren't in the game, but with the amount of times this dude contradicted himself I genuinely got whiplash. Idk i'm just gonna chalk it down to some weird form of stockholm syndrome that the character developed after... well the whole yandere situation they're in. 

The little brother in the game gave me bad vibes from the start. Not sure if it was the haircut or the overall color palette of the game, but he just felt so eery. For a hot minute I was actually scared he might trigger a bad end and it'd be some weird brother-con thing but, thankfully he wasn't!  His character was...okay I guess. He's technically the only person the mc can properly rely on that won't kill him and you can tell that the kid genuinely cares for his brother. He was written pretty well considering the fact that he is supposed to be a high school freshman who's between like 14 and 16 years old. I liked how the game explored his character and didn't just write him off unless he was important, like we actually got to meet some of his friends which was pretty cool all things considered. I did however hate that he didn't have a name other than "little brother" or "lil bro".. i dunno its just that as someone with siblings I felt like he should question only being referred to as such for two whole weeks, like id be side-eyeing anyone who referred to me like that while being supposed family, just sayin. But it's okay because I just started referring to him as "hat kid" so maybe i'm just saying this because of the bad vibes he gave me throughout the game. 

Love interest Leon was nice. I definitely liked his characters appearance the most out of anyones, the color pallet aside, he was a nice sight to see. His character as a yandere was nicely written, obv the creator took their own take with yanderes but it still worked out well. I do think I would've loved more options that capitalized on his puppy-dog-ness more, especially since he is the childhood best friend, but he was still really well written and those are just personal thoughts of my own. All in all he was well written and despite the fact that I died to him (once) I don't actually dislike his character, he's genuinely one of those "maybe he's not all that bad" characters if you squint hard enough and give yourself amnesia to forget that he kills you a few times.

Love interest Vincent on the other hand? I hate him. He was the right amount of the "rich entitled snob who buys his way out of everything" stereotype to genuinely irk my bones every time he appeared on my screen. So, really great writing on the author's behalf because oh they really cooked with him, but absolutely awful for me because everytime I saw him on screen I went "go away" because of how frustrating he was as a person/character thing. He is easily and very obviously the more likely character to kill you, its kind of impossible to please him without dying. Ignore him? you die. Try to placate him? You die. Like you literally can't win with him and you need the right amount of pushing him away but not entirely to weasel your way out of dying before the story progresses far. Which again, amazing writing on the creators behalf but jkbgfsk.kfsfdbmag he annoys me. I will say that the whole process of accidentally triggering his route is something that plays into why I personally dislike him so much though, the fact that it was unavoidable wasn't the issue but more so the way it happened. It just felt so rushed to just get it over with, which made dealing with him taxing and unenjoyable, though thats exactly how you're supposed to feel when you consider the situation so, good job once again creator.

Reme as a character was a little sad for me. We don't see much of her in the game which is fine, but seeing how she literally is the start of the game, I would have liked to be able to trigger her path somehow, even if it is only as a for certain death ending, would've been cool I'm just sayin'. Don't get me wrong, I know the story is meant to be a BxB which is why we can't trigger any of her routes, but it felt a little sad that we just straight up avoided her like the plague despite Vincent literally existing. (I just really hate vincent im sorry guys) However this is not to say that we don't interact with her at all, we do, I just wish we had more options to even if they aren't exactly for a love based route. As a character, Reme seemed like the perfect yandere, which is perfect for the game, but also why I'm so bummed about her not having much relevance. 

Soundtrack wise:

The in game music was okay I think, though i'm not entirely sure of that since after a few hours my brain filtered it out. I feel like the special effects sounds were also well. The only thing I really hated was how limited the voice acted lines were, which isn't really an issue its just that no actual lines were voiced just little sounds and hearing the mc go "aaaaaaaa" every time he screamed got annoying really quick. funny at first but after a few hours I muted the character lines. 

All in all, it was a great game to play and take up my time with. The fact of the matter is I was entertained despite the repetitive nature of vns which is always a clear sign that the vn is in fact, a good one. The art style did have to grow on me a bit, but it never once took away from the gameplay. The characters and story, despite any of the things I may have voiced displeasure over, were really good. At no point did any of the important characters feel like they shouldn't be main characters and surprisingly enough, there were a few side characters that were also well designed despite being extras, so you can easily tell that there was work put into them even if they have super minor appearances. (shoutout kidnapper d who we rolled eyes with) So overall, this was a pretty solid game. Sure there are bits that I feel could've been better, but never anything that majorly impacted the story or made it unenjoyable (except for maybe vincent idk), so I will definitely check out any other games made by these creators.

Thank you so much for such a long and detailed review!!

I love that folks either love or hate Leon or Vincent 😂 It's rare to see people like both of them!

Currently on 2 bad endings but I LOOOVE IT :D


I have to say, should this game have ended upon MC going back into the real world, this would've been a much more mid game. Sure the plot would've still been quite original and fun to play around with but it wouldn't have been anything as jaw-droppingly spectacular as it is with the twist. The twist is spectacularly set up and keeps the player intrigued. The liminal feeling of post-valentines is so perfectly matched to how MC would feel; confused on what's going on and why the game hasn't "ended" yet. And the twist is cool, I can't quite describe narratively but it is. Just the way that little brother is set up to be the only character MC can "trust" since they're not a yandere, only for him to turn out to be the one and only true threat!(able to hunt him outside of the game). Also loved how all events are revisited from Little Brother's point of view AFTER he kills MC; it's a nice way to tell the story!

FUCKING LOVE Newt as a character tho. There's clear set up to see more of his adventurers, and hell if I'm not hyped asf! As a little add on, I do greatly appreciate just how tragic his story is written. Poor kiddo. 

I do have a few critiques, however. These don't take away from my appreciation at the innovativeness, creativity and sheer LENGTH of the game, but I feel they need to be said for the sake of constructive criticism. 

Most, if not all, of the Voice Acting is annoying as hell. I'm sorry, there's just no nicer way to put it. Could've done with more actual lines and less, random sounds? Especially MC's "oh noo"s and "AAAAAAAA"s, those get annoying so very quick and were so grating to the ears. I get they were supposed to be funny(which they went from being so to being annoying pretty quick) but I cannot understand the choice to use the same voice blips in more serious scenarios? 

Functionally, the post-game so to speak(ie getting anything but the bad ends for the yanderes) I found to be extremely difficult, to the point of making me seriously consider putting the game down early; which I really wish I didn't, the second half is really the meat of the content! I just feel one of two options could be a great improvement: either adding a walkthrough/guide to the game page, or working in better hints to the game itself on how to progress. It wouldn't have struck me I'd have to PRECISELY balance Leon's and Vincent's routes; the game very much leads towards avoiding Vincent(him seemingly being able to do more bad things to you, that kinda thing). 

I do wish some parts of the narrative were a little more clear/less underbaked. For example, Reme. I understand that she gets more of a spotlight in the afterstory, but even there I feel like she's so heavily underused and underexplored/explained. The game doesn't choose to go forward with her very interesting obession with understanding human bodies and instead waves it away as "the problem she's trying to fix by summoning demons with Little Brother". I also find Leon's bad end with her so very confusing like, it makes no sense? There is NO build up to it and it comes completely out of the blue? 

I feel quite similarly on MC's "irl" backstory and the deal with the demon, atleast I'd assume so? Little Brother's involvement and deal with the occult is perfectly understood however MC's relationship with that ginger character is very puzzling to me. It seemingly starts, and as soon as it starts, it just abruptly ends to switch to the plotline with Little Brother. 

Also, I find the way the Yandere's were written to be a good mix of tropey for the plot's sake(ie being literal video game characters) and with an actual level of depth. I would be keen to find out about Leon's backstory with Big Bro, however I can tell that is left ambiguous for a reason and enough is said to satiate the story's purposes.

This game really, really could be the next DDLC. I believe that from the bottom of my heart. Maybe it isn't as Meta as doki doki was, but hidden deep in the game doki doki also touched on occult themes like this did. In my eyes, this is the occult version of DDLC. 


(2 edits) (+1)

There literally is a guide man.


(1 edit)

There's an area above the comment section called "Development Log", where you'll see the post called "Full Game Guide".

Thank you very much for your comment/review! <3 I love DDLC and it was an inspiration for me making this game, so I'm happy to hear you noticed the similarities! 

There is a guide for the full game here, if you haven't found it yet btw! 


OK so I just created an account to comment on this just to say a couple things. (spoilers below btw)

I really enjoyed this game a lot more than I initially thought I would! I play a lot of yandere games and I like games where characters are self aware so I already had high hopes going into the game but- wow. I loved seeing all the cliches in the game and I also enjoyed seeing the mcs reactions (both his initial ones and the ones he has after some loops). I also really liked how the yanderes have more to them besides y'know being obsessed with the mc, and that they were actually able to change (obviously only because of Newt but thats besides the point). It was just so interesting and I found myself (who was strictly going for Leon's route) getting interested in Vincent too because we started to see more of him.

Also idk if it's because I play wayyy too many yandere games but I had already confirmed to myself that the mc was also a yandere because of the conversations we had with Vincent and Leon after they started going to therapy. Like the mc had questioned if he would be a hypocrite during a conversation with Leon and had also related to how Vincent felt about his feelings. (The cutscene where Mc was talking about how he also took pills kinda clued me in too). Then I basically confirmed this a SECOND time when the full backstory between the mc and the coworker was revealed, So when I got the mc good ending I wasn't really surprised by the mc being a yandere but more surprised that we finally got to see his real face. 

ONE LAST THING, something I've been wondering since Vincents second(?) bad ending. WHAT THE HELL WAS THE UNCLES PROBLEM WITH US?? Like idk if I missed something in the dialogue but I was waiting for there to be some sort of reveal about why the uncles hates us so much?? He literally kills us in one ending and in the good/true end routes he tries to convince Vincent not to go on a date with us. The ONLY thing that gives any back story with the uncle is the cutscene where Vincent talks about when we met as kids but I don't think there's anything a kid would've done back then that would've warranted so much hatred? Can someone please explain this has been GNAWING at me ever since I got that ending.


Thank you for the comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the game! And to answer your question, I left it open to interpretation, but I discussed my original plans here.

I don't play a lot of yandere games, but this one caught my attention - and now that I've completed it, it absolutely blew me away!

I wound up racking up bad endings pretty quickly (and repeatedly), but had a lot of fun playing through despite that (the 'skip to choices' feature helped a LOT, really appreciated that!). Once I finally broke the loop and got through to the true ending, I was anticipating a twist of some sort but absolutely did not see the twist that was delivered coming. Fantastic ending, left me a mixture of grinning in delight and jaw-dropped.

And the side story? Strong contender for being my favourite part; after seeing everything from the MC's perspective, it was great getting that extra lore and perspective from another viewpoint. The game very clearly foreshadowed that there was Something Else about that character, and it was so satisfying getting so many questions answered.

Really enjoyed the story, the pacing was great, there was a good amount of lore shared without exposition-dumping, and the humour in particular really worked for me.

Well worth a play, you'll have more fun than the MC does!

(1 edit) (+2)

It's my first time writing a review and i really HAD to do it. At first i just downloaded the game for fun and I wasn't really taking it seriously. I made real terrible choices and got 4 bad endings right after another. It didn't really matter to me. I laughed a lot during the story (when I hadn't got killed yet lmao) and the MC's reactions were hilarious everytime. But then again, after breaking the bad endings cycle i finally got the true ending and man...I didn't AT ALL expect such a masterpiece. It really caught me off guard and i was on the verge of tears after reading the side story. It was GREAT and i absolutely loved all the characters (especially the little bro)

So I've just found out about the good ending and DUDE...that was such a whole damn plot twist. Now I love this game even more and more.


The MC pisses me off so bad, but other than that, game's relatively alright.

Deleted 247 days ago
Deleted 247 days ago
Deleted 247 days ago

Please keep discussions civil.

(I've deleted posts that lean towards hostility.)


found the game by accident and OMG I LOVED IT??? I DID NOT EXPECT ALL THIS LORE, just wished to play a funny game and got slamed with a masterpiece

(1 edit)

my friends. what a game


at first, I didn't expect much... BUT HOLY SHIT, WOW.
I died so many times 'cause I wanted to date leon that I imediatelly got the true ending lmao

I love leon sm uhg
also, I got so sad when our brother came to kill the real life us- like,... I'M SORRY I JUST WANTED TO DATE THE HIMBO I DIDN'T KNOW YOUR BROTHER WOULD DIE

also, I didn't really like vincent at first(as a demissexual, I didn't facy the idea of dating someone I just met) but he's such a complex character??? like- damn

ik leon is too(really troubled and complex), but vincent really caught off guard.



anyways, I ranted a bit, but great gamt. I loved it. 10/10 already recommended to my friend

this game have a grip on my soul and its SO GOOD. OLDER SIBLING GUILT DESTROYED ME. WAUGHHHH

Deleted post

I have to say that when I played the demo 2.1 I did not expect AT ALL this kind of masterpiece. The good endings got me twirling and giggling, amazed how the characters turned out (and holy shit did the MC ending got me-). But, the true ending is a different whole thing, like, HELLO?? I was shocked and didn't understand a thing but then I viewed the side story and all just clicked and also still shocked me (It's so funny to me how Newt got his name). It's a precious game with it's art, story, characters... I loved playing every second of it and if I could turn back time and play it all over again without knowing when or what was going to happen I would. 

Thank you for this amazing game !! *chef kisses*


Man 100% the game and still didn't learn the name of Big Bro? More like Big Sad.


Bro im crying so damn hard over getting the true ending pls... the older brother guilt hit me harder than a truck help

also I love this game, even though im crying

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